Going through an Exercise slump? Not getting the same rush and excitement you once did out of training and eating Chicken and Broccoli 4 times a day?
I feel like with most things in life there can be times when you just aren't feeling it, and during those times it can be really hard to stay on track.
Maybe you got sick and lost momentum..
Maybe you're just not feeling great mentally..
Maybe you're just bored..
There's no quick fix solution to slumps in life of any kind but generally I have found 1 of 2 things can help me, depending on what is causing my current slump (yes it can happen multiple times it's not like the chicken pox).
1. Change up my routine - This can be either the time of day I workout or the exercise plan I am doing or even both. Sometimes waking up at 4am 5 days a week can be really unmotivating.. Especially in the dead of winter. Also doing the same bunch of exercises day in day out can be monotonous. Try adding an exercise to your plan that you're keen to try out or change to a time of day you haven't trained before (you might find the old time was actually better haha)
2. Push through - Yeah it can be as simple as that.. Sometimes it just takes a little perseverance to get through to the other side. However, this isn't the easiest way through because nothing has really changed so it can be difficult to get out mentally. Give it a try and if doesn't help try Point 1.
If you're really struggling seeking out a Trainer can be a great alternative, having someone else decide your workouts, track your progress and all you have to do is show up and do the dam thing can be pretty good for a slump.
Speaking as a Trainer myself I really enjoy coming up with plans that shock & Push my clients helping them get out of their comfort zone and I love seeing their progress (and there faces when my crazy little brain comes up with some great exercises).
Having another person decide your plans/weight/reps can be really good because you can blame them for the pain afterward :P
Group classes can be an added alternative to your exercise as well, something to shock the system outside of the norm. At Anytime Fitness Altona we offer FREE Group classes during the week, so checking them out won't cost you and maybe you'll find your joy again!
For help with Personal Training I work out of Anytime Fitness Altona in Victoria,
Get in touch to book a session: Call/Message 0423 928 995 or email katelytics.fitness.wellbeing@gmail.com
