Motivation (Noun)
A reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.
You’ve probably been asked (I know I have) “how do you stay motivated” “what is your motivation” it’s the IT word of the Fitness industry and for good reason, Motivation is very important for the majority of people (I would say all but who knows there could be one person out there on their fitness journey with legitimately 0 motivational forces keeping them going, however, I doubt it haha).
Without motivation, staying on track to reach your goals will be difficult (not just fitness goals but life goals as well).. very difficult. There are 2 primary types of motivation in working out: Intrinsic & Extrinsic.
There is no "right or wrong" motivation type both are normal it's just about knowing which you are to get the best out of yourself.
I have added some questions below to help you see which you might be:
Are you Intrinsically Motivated…
- Do you strive for Enjoyment in Fun with your workouts?
- Do you take enjoyment from learning a new skill (exercises etc)?
- Do you take more from how you feel about yourself than what others think of you?
- Do you focus solely on your own self-improvement and not compare yourself to others?
Intrinsic types generally respond favourably to challenges because they enjoy pushing themselves and learning new things and respond positively in the face of adversity.
Are you Extrinsically Motivated…
- Do you rely on recognition from others (friends, peers etc)?
- Are you driven by the notion of prizes/winning/money?
- Are you competitive with others?
Extrinsic types are common within the fitness industry and are highly motivated if external rewards are present and interest will fade if this is absent.
Knowing where your motivations are driven from can help you (or your trainer) create a plan that targets your motivational sources.
There is no one size fits all… Contact Us to book an appointment and get started on your fitness journey now and we can find what motivation will work best for YOU.